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English Composition course to end April 30, 2007

Posted by megapolis in Uncategorized.

On Friday, 28th of April we visited Mrs. Gray at American Embassy on Hlybochytska street in Kyiv. Next time we will see our ECII instructor in Fall semester. The ECII course has finished and we can sum up the whole baggage of knowledge we got during the study-year. I think, this class was a great one. The most important thing I learned for myself is the ability to write good essays and to do research in a plenty of Kyiv’s libraries. Also it was very useful for me to use EBSCOhost as one of the main sources of information.

For us,1-st year students, Mrs. Gray did a lot. She taught us many helpful things; she arranged many meetings with interesting people and she was ready to help at any time. In other words, our whole course was very-very exciting.

I especially liked doing research and talking to many people, who came to us. Another crucial thing for us was finding out information about our OWN history and talking to people (making interviews) who lived in Soviet times. We made History Matters presentations for our dear guests, Mr. Taylor, American Ambassador, McMurrin’s Widows and other interesting people.

What I adored much is writing blogs. It is an interesting idea to get everybody involved in doing their homework with the use of latest technologies via Internet.

We are impatiently waiting for the next year; to start working and doing research again. πŸ˜‰ πŸ™‚ I want to thank you, Mrs.Gray, again for such an interesting course.


1. Kristina - May 2, 2007

Thanks so much for your praises, I could not have done it without you and your classmates enthusiasm to try something new and quite frankly I did not know how blogging would go. Maybe next time I will have people who do not blog as frequently to ONLY be the commenters so they have to read other peoples blogs and comment and NOT have all people blog. You have done a GREAT job of keeping us informed as far as what you know about the political situation in Ukraine. Good also that you enjoyed the research aspect of our Comp II course. It would be what I’d have my college freshmen in the States do, so you are getting some form of a western education at WIUU. I look forward to reading your final research paper, you had a good subject!

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